Fat cells can be completely and precisely destroyed by thermal heat generated by HIFU technology. The heat action goes deep into the regional fat deposits to efficiently target trouble regions. Our non-invasive HIFU treatment treats areas like tummy, inner thighs, back of thighs, hips, and arms.
A stream of high-intensity ultrasonic radiation is sent to the appropriate locations of fat, beneath the skin. During this there is no downtime, just a prickly sensation. Since the treatment acts solely on your fat cells and does not disturb or impact the layer of your skin. It prevents burns or injuries to the skin as the treatment focuses the ultrasonic energy 7mm and 13mm underneath the skin’s surface. The inflammatory and regenerative reactions of your body then step in. The injured fat cells engulfs by macrophages, which are special cells. The fat is subsequently transported to the liver by macrophages, and the body naturally dispose it, hence they are gone for good.